Lord Louise for Service businesses

Lord Louise helps the leading worldwide BtoB brands grow their sales
Quality in a service or product is not what you put into it. It is what the client or customer gets out of it.

– Peter Drucker

Lord Louise works with the leading BtoB brands to improve their sales. What we learnt from them will benefit you

For 5 years now we have been working with dozens of leading worldwide BtoB brands to improve their sales. BtoB sales are complex as they represent a long investment that nevertheless needs quick ROI. We found ways to combine both. Find how.

Create, maintain, upgrade the Sales Conversation with your targets

Lord Louise is in the business of creating conversations with your BtoB prospects, then enlarge your customer experience in BtoB service so you can upsell to its subsidiaries internationaly or internally throughout its premises.

The “Dental Impression” paradox

How will we make your processes stick with ours ? We call it the “Dental Impression Process for success”. Sam Walton, Wallmart founder, once said “The goal as a company is to have customer service that is not just the best but legendary”. For this to stick, you have to create a customer experience of your service that starts with the first sales signal your prospect receives. We create a re-enchanted service journey for your customers, from start to finish. Lord Louise guarantees this customer experience, mixing lobbying, big data analysis, inside sales, outside sales, marketing automation, pipeline management, all executed at the best worldwide level by our teams. Those parts of the marketing and sales processes are organized, coordinated and fully upgraded in real time in our Salesforce platform accessible 24/7 to our joint teams. “A customer is the most important visitor on our premises, he is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption in our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider in our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so”. We couldn’t agree more with Mahatma Gandhi.

– The customer’s perception is your reality – . Kate Zabriskie

Lord Louise Sales Reactor acts like a radar. We continuously and actively send and receive marketing and sales signals to the C-level people in the headquarters of your targets, endlessly presenting your added value, your services, your differentiation. We do it subtly, delicately, with our Swiss “Savoir Faire“. Like famous Swiss Watchmaker, time and rhythm of your target is our “raison d’être“. We permanently adapt the sales message to your BtoB targets, one by one, after having chosen the best ones to converse with. We do it till the closing of the sales. Then we start again to grow the deal, expand it internationally in the subsidiaries of your customers, and expand your range of services reach in their firms. We are only obsessed about the way your target perceive you, not only on the sales and marketing signals we jointly send towards them. This equilibrium of signals on the short term to get a quick win effect added to long range multi annual signal means your grab 100% of your potential market on a target geographical zone after a 3 to 5 years span. We act like a Swiss business radar on your behalf. A radar adapting real time and sending active buying signals. This is BtoB. The beauty of it is we can do it one by one. Slowly. We invented the fastest slowness in the world. Discover how.Read More »

– If you’re not serving the customer, your job is to be serving someone who is – . Jan Carlzon

This is what we do at Lord Louise. We help you serve your customers. Having learnt from the best BtoB customer acquisition processes of all our client, we created a process so you benefit from it. We call it the Sales Reactor, as it is as integrated and simple as a connection can be. No re-enginering. No training. No Hiring. No hiding cost. No CRM installation. Only sales expertise at the obsessive Swiss Quality. We don’t only sell chocolate in Switzerland. Chocolate will make you remember your childhood and smile, then we will start to talk business.Read More »

– He profits most who serves best – . Arthur F. Sheldon

Starting Fragile business conversation, maintaining them and make them flourish, this is Lord Louise Know-How and the reason we serve you. Serve the leading service companies, this is what we do most, and best.Read More »

– Make a customer, not a sale – . Katherine Barchetti

Lord Louise is in the business of creating conversations with your BtoB prospects, then enlarge your customer experience in BtoB service so you can upsell to its subsidiaries internationaly or internally throughout its premises. Our BtoB inside sales Lords and outside sales Barons are trained to create and gain empathy from your target, opening the canal to business negotiation. We never forget that a signal needs a transmitter and a receiver both active at the same time so the signal is received. We don’t talk to your BtoB targets at C level before they listen to us and your message. This can take hours, weeks, months. When they grant us access to talk, we create empathy. Then we ask questions. About their companies, their business troubles. At that moment, we are ready to connect your sales rep with their key decision makers. When we do so, they are ready to receive your message. They listen. Then we debrief those signal in Salesforce pipeline for you, decide what the next conversation has to be to shorten the closing time, and do it on your behalf. We create customers for you. We don’t sell.Read More »

– Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit – . Aristotle

Lord Louise is technology & processes & talent. In the order you decide, but at the world class level. We installed top of the class LMS – Learning Management Systems – to train our teams to your vision, your values, your sales pitch, the objection your prospects made, and how to ask questions to your targets about their business pains. As plane experts, every member of our teams has to go through trainings and certifications to keep at the level of your sales presentation, every time it evolves. Do you get this flexibility of mind from your sales teams of more then 30 years old. Like dancers, our sales Lords & Barons spend hours training at compulsory figures. We follow Tom Peters in saying excellent firms don’t believe in excellence – only in constant improvement and constant change. We train, train, train and practice sales at the highest C level throughout the world everyday. We wouldn’t beat Sales Chess-masters on the long run. But we beat them in opening, because we practice so much. Then we let your outside sales teams, or our trained closing negociators, do the deal. Bishops, Knights and Rooks don’t make the same move in chess. We have specialized our teams in doing just a sub-part of the negotiation process. And assemble it for you. Seamless for your customer.Read More »

– Be a yardstick of quality. Some people aren’t used to an environment where excellence is expected – . Steve Jobs

Lord Louise aims to create the leading Business Development Brand in the World. You can easily quote the Big4 for audit services, Adecco, Manpower for HR, WPP or Havas for advertising. There is no global leader for sales outsourcing and consulting in the world. We want to offer this service to you. This is why we created Lord Louise brand. French creativity, Swiss precision, american funding and storytelling. All compacted in a small package we called the Sales Reactor. Sales Excellence is our moto. You can now benefit of it. Whenever and wherever you need your sales to grow and flourish.Read More »

The most effective Business Development platform in the world