History, Values, Brand

Why you should discover Lord Louise brand and go forward


Lord Louise has been created by two HEC Paris alumni who worked in consulting for Accenture in Paris, NY, Los Angeles, San Diego, and Moscow. The two Lord Louise founders have been asked to work about business development processes, and decided to bring value in the most unknown processes of the value chain of a lot of companies : The Business Acquisition process.

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The values of Lord Louise are Empathy, Excellence and Elegance. Empathy as Lord Louise reinvents everyday sales processes at C level throughout the world, and needs best human interaction skills. Elegance as creating a global service company in sales, an extremely corrosive environment, requires a great dose of patience towards clients and teams. Excellence as the processes of business development need specialist in every field of the game.

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Lord Louise Brand is global born, meaning Lord Louise is design from start to cover all major business areas in the world with a globalized service. This is quite a challenge.

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The most effective Business Development platform in the world