Newtech & Fast-growing Companies

You raised money at high speed. Let’s make money with it.
Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.

– James Cash Penney, Founder of JCPenney

Don’t do sales yourself. Make it happen

Your job is not to do, but to put together the best talents, processes and vision. We embody highly competitive sales machine process. We hired, trained the best sales people for you, have developed special processes to bring you the best business develpment programs.

Your Worldwide Sales strategy enabled

Don’t limit you sales strategy to a few countries. Your competitors are already moving abroad. Lord Louise can help you broaden your international sales strategy deployment. Faster and with more drive.

Faster, Faster, Faster. At the Highest Quality

It is not easy for you to hire the best salesmen abroad. We have the networks to get them for you. Plus the processes to manage them. Plus the control you get on them throughout our Salesforce online communities. You need growth, but at top quality. That is why we are here for.

Stretch your sales Muscles

There are cars. And there are Muscle Cars. Your start-up is like no others. You want to grow faster, you have tested your markets, the value is proven and the market is awaiting. Go for our Extreme Growth programs, simultaneously deploying lobbying, Business Intelligence, Data analysis of your target, Inside sales, outside Sales, marketing automation and automated offers in one move. Get connected to the Sales Reactor.Read More »

Accelerate the return on investment of your investor

You raised it fast, you raised it big. One of your co-founder is an ex-star of sales in your domain. This is not enough for extreme growth. Like Dr Octopus in Spiderman, we give you immediate access to 8 simultaneous sales processes managed by Lord Louise to identify, acquire and sell to your BtoB C level targets. Now.Read More »

Focus on strategy and deployment, let us do the sales

You can’t be on every battle front simultaneously. We take the responsibility for the sales BtoB battle worldwide. We are your Swiss Guard of the Vatican. You can rely on us.

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Go get your dream high

Clausevitz On War theories are not about Blitzkrieg strategies. They are about Friction. Sales is about friction. Nothing goes as foreseen in sales development. Lord Louise sales army is organised, disciplined. We hire the best, train them, give them the best CRMs, negotiation skills so they keep high under pressure. Lord Louise delivers better results under extreme sales pressure.Read More »

We believe in your business plan

Lord Louise only works with worldwide leaders or blue ocean challengers. We chose the disruptive players. Why ? Even with our elite sales process, we sale better what is new and shiny and goes for new fast markets. If Lord Louise decides to work for you, our teams will give you the best. At any time. Guaranteed. It is important for you to have a team that believes in Your Business Plan. At Lord Louise we do.Read More »

Trust your sales people and processes

Growth is often achieved at the cost of the lost of control and trust in your sales team worldwide. They create spin offs, go with customers, teams and databases. Lord Louise gives you full trust and control above your sales teams, processes and reporting. And let you win your markets at lesser risk.Read More »

The most effective Business Development platform in the world